
Location Tool Test ID Function Issue
/builddir/build/BUILD/Python-2.7.3/Modules/ossaudiodev.c:566:0 cppcheck syntaxError syntax error
/builddir/build/BUILD/Python-2.7.3/Modules/ossaudiodev.c:566:0 cppcheck syntaxError syntax error
   1 /*
   2  * ossaudiodev -- Python interface to the OSS (Open Sound System) API.
   3  *                This is the standard audio API for Linux and some
   4  *                flavours of BSD [XXX which ones?]; it is also available
   5  *                for a wide range of commercial Unices.
   6  *
   7  * Originally written by Peter Bosch, March 2000, as linuxaudiodev.
   8  *
   9  * Renamed to ossaudiodev and rearranged/revised/hacked up
  10  * by Greg Ward <>, November 2002.
  11  * Mixer interface by Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale <>, Dec 2002.
  12  *
  13  * (c) 2000 Peter Bosch.  All Rights Reserved.
  14  * (c) 2002 Gregory P. Ward.  All Rights Reserved.
  15  * (c) 2002 Python Software Foundation.  All Rights Reserved.
  16  *
  17  * XXX need a license statement
  18  *
  19  * $Id$
  20  */
  22 #include "Python.h"
  23 #include "structmember.h"
  25 #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
  26 #include <fcntl.h>
  27 #else
  28 #define O_RDONLY 00
  29 #define O_WRONLY 01
  30 #endif
  32 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  33 #include <sys/soundcard.h>
  35 #if defined(linux)
  37 #ifndef HAVE_STDINT_H
  38 typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
  39 #endif
  41 #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
  45 # endif
  47 #endif
  49 typedef struct {
  50     PyObject_HEAD
  51     char    *devicename;              /* name of the device file */
  52     int      fd;                      /* file descriptor */
  53     int      mode;                    /* file mode (O_RDONLY, etc.) */
  54     int      icount;                  /* input count */
  55     int      ocount;                  /* output count */
  56     uint32_t afmts;                   /* audio formats supported by hardware */
  57 } oss_audio_t;
  59 typedef struct {
  60     PyObject_HEAD
  61     int      fd;                      /* The open mixer device */
  62 } oss_mixer_t;
  65 static PyTypeObject OSSAudioType;
  66 static PyTypeObject OSSMixerType;
  68 static PyObject *OSSAudioError;
  71 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  72  * DSP object initialization/deallocation
  73  */
  75 static oss_audio_t *
  76 newossobject(PyObject *arg)
  77 {
  78     oss_audio_t *self;
  79     int fd, afmts, imode;
  80     char *devicename = NULL;
  81     char *mode = NULL;
  83     /* Two ways to call open():
  84          open(device, mode) (for consistency with builtin open())
  85          open(mode)         (for backwards compatibility)
  86        because the *first* argument is optional, parsing args is
  87        a wee bit tricky. */
  88     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(arg, "s|s:open", &devicename, &mode))
  89        return NULL;
  90     if (mode == NULL) {                 /* only one arg supplied */
  91        mode = devicename;
  92        devicename = NULL;
  93     }
  95     if (strcmp(mode, "r") == 0)
  96         imode = O_RDONLY;
  97     else if (strcmp(mode, "w") == 0)
  98         imode = O_WRONLY;
  99     else if (strcmp(mode, "rw") == 0)
 100         imode = O_RDWR;
 101     else {
 102         PyErr_SetString(OSSAudioError, "mode must be 'r', 'w', or 'rw'");
 103         return NULL;
 104     }
 106     /* Open the correct device: either the 'device' argument,
 107        or the AUDIODEV environment variable, or "/dev/dsp". */
 108     if (devicename == NULL) {              /* called with one arg */
 109        devicename = getenv("AUDIODEV");
 110        if (devicename == NULL)             /* $AUDIODEV not set */
 111           devicename = "/dev/dsp";
 112     }
 114     /* Open with O_NONBLOCK to avoid hanging on devices that only allow
 115        one open at a time.  This does *not* affect later I/O; OSS
 116        provides a special ioctl() for non-blocking read/write, which is
 117        exposed via oss_nonblock() below. */
 118     if ((fd = open(devicename, imode|O_NONBLOCK)) == -1) {
 119         PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_IOError, devicename);
 120         return NULL;
 121     }
 123     /* And (try to) put it back in blocking mode so we get the
 124        expected write() semantics. */
 125     if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0) == -1) {
 126         close(fd);
 127         PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_IOError, devicename);
 128         return NULL;
 129     }
 131     if (ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS, &afmts) == -1) {
 132         close(fd);
 133         PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_IOError, devicename);
 134         return NULL;
 135     }
 136     /* Create and initialize the object */
 137     if ((self = PyObject_New(oss_audio_t, &OSSAudioType)) == NULL) {
 138         close(fd);
 139         return NULL;
 140     }
 141     self->devicename = devicename;
 142     self->fd = fd;
 143     self->mode = imode;
 144     self->icount = self->ocount = 0;
 145     self->afmts  = afmts;
 146     return self;
 147 }
 149 static void
 150 oss_dealloc(oss_audio_t *self)
 151 {
 152     /* if already closed, don't reclose it */
 153     if (self->fd != -1)
 154         close(self->fd);
 155     PyObject_Del(self);
 156 }
 159 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 160  * Mixer object initialization/deallocation
 161  */
 163 static oss_mixer_t *
 164 newossmixerobject(PyObject *arg)
 165 {
 166     char *devicename = NULL;
 167     int fd;
 168     oss_mixer_t *self;
 170     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(arg, "|s", &devicename)) {
 171         return NULL;
 172     }
 174     if (devicename == NULL) {
 175         devicename = getenv("MIXERDEV");
 176         if (devicename == NULL)            /* MIXERDEV not set */
 177             devicename = "/dev/mixer";
 178     }
 180     if ((fd = open(devicename, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
 181         PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(PyExc_IOError, devicename);
 182         return NULL;
 183     }
 185     if ((self = PyObject_New(oss_mixer_t, &OSSMixerType)) == NULL) {
 186         close(fd);
 187         return NULL;
 188     }
 190     self->fd = fd;
 192     return self;
 193 }
 195 static void
 196 oss_mixer_dealloc(oss_mixer_t *self)
 197 {
 198     /* if already closed, don't reclose it */
 199     if (self->fd != -1)
 200         close(self->fd);
 201     PyObject_Del(self);
 202 }
 205 /* Methods to wrap the OSS ioctls.  The calling convention is pretty
 206    simple:
 207      nonblock()        -> ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_NONBLOCK)
 208      fmt = setfmt(fmt) -> ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &fmt)
 209      etc.
 210 */
 213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 214  * Helper functions
 215  */
 217 /* _do_ioctl_1() is a private helper function used for the OSS ioctls --
 218    SNDCTL_DSP_{SETFMT,CHANNELS,SPEED} -- that that are called from C
 219    like this:
 220      ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_cmd, &arg)
 222    where arg is the value to set, and on return the driver sets arg to
 223    the value that was actually set.  Mapping this to Python is obvious:
 224      arg =
 225 */
 226 static PyObject *
 227 _do_ioctl_1(int fd, PyObject *args, char *fname, int cmd)
 228 {
 229     char argfmt[33] = "i:";
 230     int arg;
 232     assert(strlen(fname) <= 30);
 233     strcat(argfmt, fname);
 234     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, argfmt, &arg))
 235         return NULL;
 237     if (ioctl(fd, cmd, &arg) == -1)
 238         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 239     return PyInt_FromLong(arg);
 240 }
 243 /* _do_ioctl_1_internal() is a wrapper for ioctls that take no inputs
 244    but return an output -- ie. we need to pass a pointer to a local C
 245    variable so the driver can write its output there, but from Python
 246    all we see is the return value.  For example,
 247    SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK returns a bitmask of available mixer
 248    devices, but does not use the value of the parameter passed-in in any
 249    way.
 250 */
 251 static PyObject *
 252 _do_ioctl_1_internal(int fd, PyObject *args, char *fname, int cmd)
 253 {
 254     char argfmt[32] = ":";
 255     int arg = 0;
 257     assert(strlen(fname) <= 30);
 258     strcat(argfmt, fname);
 259     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, argfmt, &arg))
 260         return NULL;
 262     if (ioctl(fd, cmd, &arg) == -1)
 263         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 264     return PyInt_FromLong(arg);
 265 }
 269 /* _do_ioctl_0() is a private helper for the no-argument ioctls:
 271 static PyObject *
 272 _do_ioctl_0(int fd, PyObject *args, char *fname, int cmd)
 273 {
 274     char argfmt[32] = ":";
 275     int rv;
 277     assert(strlen(fname) <= 30);
 278     strcat(argfmt, fname);
 279     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, argfmt))
 280         return NULL;
 282     /* According to, all three of the ioctls that
 283        use this function can block, so release the GIL.  This is
 284        especially important for SYNC, which can block for several
 285        seconds. */
 287     rv = ioctl(fd, cmd, 0);
 290     if (rv == -1)
 291         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 292     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
 293     return Py_None;
 294 }
 297 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 298  * Methods of DSP objects (OSSAudioType)
 299  */
 301 static PyObject *
 302 oss_nonblock(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused)
 303 {
 304     /* Hmmm: it doesn't appear to be possible to return to blocking
 305        mode once we're in non-blocking mode! */
 306     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_NONBLOCK, NULL) == -1)
 307         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 308     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
 309     return Py_None;
 310 }
 312 static PyObject *
 313 oss_setfmt(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 314 {
 315     return _do_ioctl_1(self->fd, args, "setfmt", SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT);
 316 }
 318 static PyObject *
 319 oss_getfmts(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused)
 320 {
 321     int mask;
 322     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS, &mask) == -1)
 323         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 324     return PyInt_FromLong(mask);
 325 }
 327 static PyObject *
 328 oss_channels(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 329 {
 330     return _do_ioctl_1(self->fd, args, "channels", SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS);
 331 }
 333 static PyObject *
 334 oss_speed(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 335 {
 336     return _do_ioctl_1(self->fd, args, "speed", SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED);
 337 }
 339 static PyObject *
 340 oss_sync(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 341 {
 342     return _do_ioctl_0(self->fd, args, "sync", SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC);
 343 }
 345 static PyObject *
 346 oss_reset(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 347 {
 348     return _do_ioctl_0(self->fd, args, "reset", SNDCTL_DSP_RESET);
 349 }
 351 static PyObject *
 352 oss_post(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 353 {
 354     return _do_ioctl_0(self->fd, args, "post", SNDCTL_DSP_POST);
 355 }
 358 /* Regular file methods: read(), write(), close(), etc. as well
 359    as one convenience method, writeall(). */
 361 static PyObject *
 362 oss_read(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 363 {
 364     int size, count;
 365     char *cp;
 366     PyObject *rv;
 368     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:read", &size))
 369         return NULL;
 370     rv = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size);
 371     if (rv == NULL)
 372         return NULL;
 373     cp = PyString_AS_STRING(rv);
 376     count = read(self->fd, cp, size);
 379     if (count < 0) {
 380         PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 381         Py_DECREF(rv);
 382         return NULL;
 383     }
 384     self->icount += count;
 385     _PyString_Resize(&rv, count);
 386     return rv;
 387 }
 389 static PyObject *
 390 oss_write(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 391 {
 392     char *cp;
 393     int rv, size;
 395     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:write", &cp, &size)) {
 396         return NULL;
 397     }
 400     rv = write(self->fd, cp, size);
 403     if (rv == -1) {
 404         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 405     } else {
 406         self->ocount += rv;
 407     }
 408     return PyInt_FromLong(rv);
 409 }
 411 static PyObject *
 412 oss_writeall(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 413 {
 414     char *cp;
 415     int rv, size;
 416     fd_set write_set_fds;
 417     int select_rv;
 419     /* NB. writeall() is only useful in non-blocking mode: according to
 420        Guenter Geiger <> on the linux-audio-dev list
 421        (, OSS guarantees that
 422        write() in blocking mode consumes the whole buffer.  In blocking
 423        mode, the behaviour of write() and writeall() from Python is
 424        indistinguishable. */
 426     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:write", &cp, &size))
 427         return NULL;
 429     if (!_PyIsSelectable_fd(self->fd)) {
 430         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
 431                         "file descriptor out of range for select");
 432         return NULL;
 433     }
 434     /* use select to wait for audio device to be available */
 435     FD_ZERO(&write_set_fds);
 436     FD_SET(self->fd, &write_set_fds);
 438     while (size > 0) {
 440         select_rv = select(self->fd+1, NULL, &write_set_fds, NULL, NULL);
 441         Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
 442         assert(select_rv != 0);         /* no timeout, can't expire */
 443         if (select_rv == -1)
 444             return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 447         rv = write(self->fd, cp, size);
 448         Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
 449         if (rv == -1) {
 450             if (errno == EAGAIN) {      /* buffer is full, try again */
 451                 errno = 0;
 452                 continue;
 453             } else                      /* it's a real error */
 454                 return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 455         } else {                        /* wrote rv bytes */
 456             self->ocount += rv;
 457             size -= rv;
 458             cp += rv;
 459         }
 460     }
 461     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
 462     return Py_None;
 463 }
 465 static PyObject *
 466 oss_close(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused)
 467 {
 468     if (self->fd >= 0) {
 470         close(self->fd);
 471         Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS
 472         self->fd = -1;
 473     }
 474     Py_INCREF(Py_None);
 475     return Py_None;
 476 }
 478 static PyObject *
 479 oss_fileno(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused)
 480 {
 481     return PyInt_FromLong(self->fd);
 482 }
 485 /* Convenience methods: these generally wrap a couple of ioctls into one
 486    common task. */
 488 static PyObject *
 489 oss_setparameters(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *args)
 490 {
 491     int wanted_fmt, wanted_channels, wanted_rate, strict=0;
 492     int fmt, channels, rate;
 493     PyObject * rv;                    /* return tuple (fmt, channels, rate) */
 495     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii|i:setparameters",
 496                           &wanted_fmt, &wanted_channels, &wanted_rate,
 497                           &strict))
 498         return NULL;
 500     fmt = wanted_fmt;
 501     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &fmt) == -1) {
 502         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 503     }
 504     if (strict && fmt != wanted_fmt) {
 505         return PyErr_Format
 506             (OSSAudioError,
 507              "unable to set requested format (wanted %d, got %d)",
 508              wanted_fmt, fmt);
 509     }
 511     channels = wanted_channels;
 512     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &channels) == -1) {
 513         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 514     }
 515     if (strict && channels != wanted_channels) {
 516         return PyErr_Format
 517             (OSSAudioError,
 518              "unable to set requested channels (wanted %d, got %d)",
 519              wanted_channels, channels);
 520     }
 522     rate = wanted_rate;
 523     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &rate) == -1) {
 524         return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError);
 525     }
 526     if (strict && rate != wanted_rate) {
 527         return PyErr_Format
 528             (OSSAudioError,
 529              "unable to set requested rate (wanted %d, got %d)",
 530              wanted_rate, rate);
 531     }
 533     /* Construct the return value: a (fmt, channels, rate) tuple that
 534        tells what the audio hardware was actually set to. */
 535     rv = PyTuple_New(3);
 536     if (rv == NULL)
 537         return NULL;
 538     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(rv, 0, PyInt_FromLong(fmt));
 539     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(rv, 1, PyInt_FromLong(channels));
 540     PyTuple_SET_ITEM(rv, 2, PyInt_FromLong(rate));
 541     return rv;
 542 }
 544 static int
 545 _ssize(oss_audio_t *self, int *nchannels, int *ssize)
 546 {
 547     int fmt;
 549     fmt = 0;
 550     if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &fmt) < 0)
 551         return -errno;
 553     switch (fmt) {
 554     case AFMT_MU_LAW:
 555     case AFMT_A_LAW:
 556     case AFMT_U8:
 557     case AFMT_S8:
 558         *ssize = 1;                     /* 8 bit formats: 1 byte */
 559         break;
 560     case AFMT_S16_LE:
 561     case AFMT_S16_BE:
 562     case AFMT_U16_LE:
 563     case AFMT_U16_BE:
 564         *ssize = 2;                     /* 16 bit formats: 2 byte */
 565         break;
 566     case AFMT_MPEG:
syntax error
(emitted by cppcheck)
syntax error
(emitted by cppcheck)
567 case AFMT_IMA_ADPCM: 568 default: 569 return -EOPNOTSUPP; 570 } 571 if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, nchannels) < 0) 572 return -errno; 573 return 0; 574 } 575 576 577 /* bufsize returns the size of the hardware audio buffer in number 578 of samples */ 579 static PyObject * 580 oss_bufsize(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused) 581 { 582 audio_buf_info ai; 583 int nchannels=0, ssize=0; 584 585 if (_ssize(self, &nchannels, &ssize) < 0 || !nchannels || !ssize) { 586 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 587 return NULL; 588 } 589 if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &ai) < 0) { 590 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 591 return NULL; 592 } 593 return PyInt_FromLong((ai.fragstotal * ai.fragsize) / (nchannels * ssize)); 594 } 595 596 /* obufcount returns the number of samples that are available in the 597 hardware for playing */ 598 static PyObject * 599 oss_obufcount(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused) 600 { 601 audio_buf_info ai; 602 int nchannels=0, ssize=0; 603 604 if (_ssize(self, &nchannels, &ssize) < 0 || !nchannels || !ssize) { 605 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 606 return NULL; 607 } 608 if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &ai) < 0) { 609 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 610 return NULL; 611 } 612 return PyInt_FromLong((ai.fragstotal * ai.fragsize - ai.bytes) / 613 (ssize * nchannels)); 614 } 615 616 /* obufcount returns the number of samples that can be played without 617 blocking */ 618 static PyObject * 619 oss_obuffree(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused) 620 { 621 audio_buf_info ai; 622 int nchannels=0, ssize=0; 623 624 if (_ssize(self, &nchannels, &ssize) < 0 || !nchannels || !ssize) { 625 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 626 return NULL; 627 } 628 if (ioctl(self->fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &ai) < 0) { 629 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 630 return NULL; 631 } 632 return PyInt_FromLong(ai.bytes / (ssize * nchannels)); 633 } 634 635 static PyObject * 636 oss_getptr(oss_audio_t *self, PyObject *unused) 637 { 638 count_info info; 639 int req; 640 641 if (self->mode == O_RDONLY) 642 req = SNDCTL_DSP_GETIPTR; 643 else 644 req = SNDCTL_DSP_GETOPTR; 645 if (ioctl(self->fd, req, &info) == -1) { 646 PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 647 return NULL; 648 } 649 return Py_BuildValue("iii", info.bytes, info.blocks, info.ptr); 650 } 651 652 653 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 654 * Methods of mixer objects (OSSMixerType) 655 */ 656 657 static PyObject * 658 oss_mixer_close(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *unused) 659 { 660 if (self->fd >= 0) { 661 close(self->fd); 662 self->fd = -1; 663 } 664 Py_INCREF(Py_None); 665 return Py_None; 666 } 667 668 static PyObject * 669 oss_mixer_fileno(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *unused) 670 { 671 return PyInt_FromLong(self->fd); 672 } 673 674 /* Simple mixer interface methods */ 675 676 static PyObject * 677 oss_mixer_controls(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 678 { 679 return _do_ioctl_1_internal(self->fd, args, "controls", 680 SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK); 681 } 682 683 static PyObject * 684 oss_mixer_stereocontrols(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 685 { 686 return _do_ioctl_1_internal(self->fd, args, "stereocontrols", 687 SOUND_MIXER_READ_STEREODEVS); 688 } 689 690 static PyObject * 691 oss_mixer_reccontrols(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 692 { 693 return _do_ioctl_1_internal(self->fd, args, "reccontrols", 694 SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECMASK); 695 } 696 697 static PyObject * 698 oss_mixer_get(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 699 { 700 int channel, volume; 701 702 /* Can't use _do_ioctl_1 because of encoded arg thingy. */ 703 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i:get", &channel)) 704 return NULL; 705 706 if (channel < 0 || channel > SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES) { 707 PyErr_SetString(OSSAudioError, "Invalid mixer channel specified."); 708 return NULL; 709 } 710 711 if (ioctl(self->fd, MIXER_READ(channel), &volume) == -1) 712 return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 713 714 return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", volume & 0xff, (volume & 0xff00) >> 8); 715 } 716 717 static PyObject * 718 oss_mixer_set(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 719 { 720 int channel, volume, leftVol, rightVol; 721 722 /* Can't use _do_ioctl_1 because of encoded arg thingy. */ 723 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i(ii):set", &channel, &leftVol, &rightVol)) 724 return NULL; 725 726 if (channel < 0 || channel > SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES) { 727 PyErr_SetString(OSSAudioError, "Invalid mixer channel specified."); 728 return NULL; 729 } 730 731 if (leftVol < 0 || rightVol < 0 || leftVol > 100 || rightVol > 100) { 732 PyErr_SetString(OSSAudioError, "Volumes must be between 0 and 100."); 733 return NULL; 734 } 735 736 volume = (rightVol << 8) | leftVol; 737 738 if (ioctl(self->fd, MIXER_WRITE(channel), &volume) == -1) 739 return PyErr_SetFromErrno(PyExc_IOError); 740 741 return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", volume & 0xff, (volume & 0xff00) >> 8); 742 } 743 744 static PyObject * 745 oss_mixer_get_recsrc(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 746 { 747 return _do_ioctl_1_internal(self->fd, args, "get_recsrc", 748 SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC); 749 } 750 751 static PyObject * 752 oss_mixer_set_recsrc(oss_mixer_t *self, PyObject *args) 753 { 754 return _do_ioctl_1(self->fd, args, "set_recsrc", 755 SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECSRC); 756 } 757 758 759 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 760 * Method tables and other bureaucracy 761 */ 762 763 static PyMethodDef oss_methods[] = { 764 /* Regular file methods */ 765 { "read", (PyCFunction)oss_read, METH_VARARGS }, 766 { "write", (PyCFunction)oss_write, METH_VARARGS }, 767 { "writeall", (PyCFunction)oss_writeall, METH_VARARGS }, 768 { "close", (PyCFunction)oss_close, METH_NOARGS }, 769 { "fileno", (PyCFunction)oss_fileno, METH_NOARGS }, 770 771 /* Simple ioctl wrappers */ 772 { "nonblock", (PyCFunction)oss_nonblock, METH_NOARGS }, 773 { "setfmt", (PyCFunction)oss_setfmt, METH_VARARGS }, 774 { "getfmts", (PyCFunction)oss_getfmts, METH_NOARGS }, 775 { "channels", (PyCFunction)oss_channels, METH_VARARGS }, 776 { "speed", (PyCFunction)oss_speed, METH_VARARGS }, 777 { "sync", (PyCFunction)oss_sync, METH_VARARGS }, 778 { "reset", (PyCFunction)oss_reset, METH_VARARGS }, 779 { "post", (PyCFunction)oss_post, METH_VARARGS }, 780 781 /* Convenience methods -- wrap a couple of ioctls together */ 782 { "setparameters", (PyCFunction)oss_setparameters, METH_VARARGS }, 783 { "bufsize", (PyCFunction)oss_bufsize, METH_NOARGS }, 784 { "obufcount", (PyCFunction)oss_obufcount, METH_NOARGS }, 785 { "obuffree", (PyCFunction)oss_obuffree, METH_NOARGS }, 786 { "getptr", (PyCFunction)oss_getptr, METH_NOARGS }, 787 788 /* Aliases for backwards compatibility */ 789 { "flush", (PyCFunction)oss_sync, METH_VARARGS }, 790 791 { NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ 792 }; 793 794 static PyMethodDef oss_mixer_methods[] = { 795 /* Regular file method - OSS mixers are ioctl-only interface */ 796 { "close", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_close, METH_NOARGS }, 797 { "fileno", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_fileno, METH_NOARGS }, 798 799 /* Simple ioctl wrappers */ 800 { "controls", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_controls, METH_VARARGS }, 801 { "stereocontrols", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_stereocontrols, METH_VARARGS}, 802 { "reccontrols", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_reccontrols, METH_VARARGS}, 803 { "get", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_get, METH_VARARGS }, 804 { "set", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_set, METH_VARARGS }, 805 { "get_recsrc", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_get_recsrc, METH_VARARGS }, 806 { "set_recsrc", (PyCFunction)oss_mixer_set_recsrc, METH_VARARGS }, 807 808 { NULL, NULL} 809 }; 810 811 static PyObject * 812 oss_getattr(oss_audio_t *self, char *name) 813 { 814 PyObject * rval = NULL; 815 if (strcmp(name, "closed") == 0) { 816 rval = (self->fd == -1) ? Py_True : Py_False; 817 Py_INCREF(rval); 818 } 819 else if (strcmp(name, "name") == 0) { 820 rval = PyString_FromString(self->devicename); 821 } 822 else if (strcmp(name, "mode") == 0) { 823 /* No need for a "default" in this switch: from newossobject(), 824 self->mode can only be one of these three values. */ 825 switch(self->mode) { 826 case O_RDONLY: 827 rval = PyString_FromString("r"); 828 break; 829 case O_RDWR: 830 rval = PyString_FromString("rw"); 831 break; 832 case O_WRONLY: 833 rval = PyString_FromString("w"); 834 break; 835 } 836 } 837 else { 838 rval = Py_FindMethod(oss_methods, (PyObject *)self, name); 839 } 840 return rval; 841 } 842 843 static PyObject * 844 oss_mixer_getattr(oss_mixer_t *self, char *name) 845 { 846 return Py_FindMethod(oss_mixer_methods, (PyObject *)self, name); 847 } 848 849 static PyTypeObject OSSAudioType = { 850 PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) 851 "ossaudiodev.oss_audio_device", /*tp_name*/ 852 sizeof(oss_audio_t), /*tp_size*/ 853 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ 854 /* methods */ 855 (destructor)oss_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 856 0, /*tp_print*/ 857 (getattrfunc)oss_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ 858 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 859 0, /*tp_compare*/ 860 0, /*tp_repr*/ 861 }; 862 863 static PyTypeObject OSSMixerType = { 864 PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) 865 "ossaudiodev.oss_mixer_device", /*tp_name*/ 866 sizeof(oss_mixer_t), /*tp_size*/ 867 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ 868 /* methods */ 869 (destructor)oss_mixer_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ 870 0, /*tp_print*/ 871 (getattrfunc)oss_mixer_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ 872 0, /*tp_setattr*/ 873 0, /*tp_compare*/ 874 0, /*tp_repr*/ 875 }; 876 877 878 static PyObject * 879 ossopen(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) 880 { 881 return (PyObject *)newossobject(args); 882 } 883 884 static PyObject * 885 ossopenmixer(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) 886 { 887 return (PyObject *)newossmixerobject(args); 888 } 889 890 static PyMethodDef ossaudiodev_methods[] = { 891 { "open", ossopen, METH_VARARGS }, 892 { "openmixer", ossopenmixer, METH_VARARGS }, 893 { 0, 0 }, 894 }; 895 896 897 #define _EXPORT_INT(mod, name) \ 898 if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(mod, #name, (long) (name)) == -1) return; 899 900 901 static char *control_labels[] = SOUND_DEVICE_LABELS; 902 static char *control_names[] = SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES; 903 904 905 static int 906 build_namelists (PyObject *module) 907 { 908 PyObject *labels; 909 PyObject *names; 910 PyObject *s; 911 int num_controls; 912 int i; 913 914 num_controls = sizeof(control_labels) / sizeof(control_labels[0]); 915 assert(num_controls == sizeof(control_names) / sizeof(control_names[0])); 916 917 labels = PyList_New(num_controls); 918 names = PyList_New(num_controls); 919 if (labels == NULL || names == NULL) 920 goto error2; 921 for (i = 0; i < num_controls; i++) { 922 s = PyString_FromString(control_labels[i]); 923 if (s == NULL) 924 goto error2; 925 PyList_SET_ITEM(labels, i, s); 926 927 s = PyString_FromString(control_names[i]); 928 if (s == NULL) 929 goto error2; 930 PyList_SET_ITEM(names, i, s); 931 } 932 933 if (PyModule_AddObject(module, "control_labels", labels) == -1) 934 goto error2; 935 if (PyModule_AddObject(module, "control_names", names) == -1) 936 goto error1; 937 938 return 0; 939 940 error2: 941 Py_XDECREF(labels); 942 error1: 943 Py_XDECREF(names); 944 return -1; 945 } 946 947 948 void 949 initossaudiodev(void) 950 { 951 PyObject *m; 952 953 m = Py_InitModule("ossaudiodev", ossaudiodev_methods); 954 if (m == NULL) 955 return; 956 957 OSSAudioError = PyErr_NewException("ossaudiodev.OSSAudioError", 958 NULL, NULL); 959 if (OSSAudioError) { 960 /* Each call to PyModule_AddObject decrefs it; compensate: */ 961 Py_INCREF(OSSAudioError); 962 Py_INCREF(OSSAudioError); 963 PyModule_AddObject(m, "error", OSSAudioError); 964 PyModule_AddObject(m, "OSSAudioError", OSSAudioError); 965 } 966 967 /* Build 'control_labels' and 'control_names' lists and add them 968 to the module. */ 969 if (build_namelists(m) == -1) /* XXX what to do here? */ 970 return; 971 972 /* Expose the audio format numbers -- essential! */ 973 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_QUERY); 974 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_MU_LAW); 975 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_A_LAW); 976 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_IMA_ADPCM); 977 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_U8); 978 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S16_LE); 979 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S16_BE); 980 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S8); 981 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_U16_LE); 982 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_U16_BE); 983 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_MPEG); 984 #ifdef AFMT_AC3 985 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_AC3); 986 #endif 987 #ifdef AFMT_S16_NE 988 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S16_NE); 989 #endif 990 #ifdef AFMT_U16_NE 991 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_U16_NE); 992 #endif 993 #ifdef AFMT_S32_LE 994 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S32_LE); 995 #endif 996 #ifdef AFMT_S32_BE 997 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_S32_BE); 998 #endif 999 #ifdef AFMT_MPEG 1000 _EXPORT_INT(m, AFMT_MPEG); 1001 #endif 1002 1003 /* Expose the sound mixer device numbers. */ 1004 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES); 1005 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME); 1006 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_BASS); 1007 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_TREBLE); 1008 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_SYNTH); 1009 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_PCM); 1010 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_SPEAKER); 1011 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_LINE); 1012 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_MIC); 1013 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_CD); 1014 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_IMIX); 1015 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_ALTPCM); 1016 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_RECLEV); 1017 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_IGAIN); 1018 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_OGAIN); 1019 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_LINE1); 1020 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_LINE2); 1021 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_LINE3); 1022 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL1 1023 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL1); 1024 #endif 1025 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL2 1026 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL2); 1027 #endif 1028 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL3 1029 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_DIGITAL3); 1030 #endif 1031 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_PHONEIN 1032 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_PHONEIN); 1033 #endif 1034 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_PHONEOUT 1035 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_PHONEOUT); 1036 #endif 1037 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_VIDEO 1038 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_VIDEO); 1039 #endif 1040 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_RADIO 1041 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_RADIO); 1042 #endif 1043 #ifdef SOUND_MIXER_MONITOR 1044 _EXPORT_INT(m, SOUND_MIXER_MONITOR); 1045 #endif 1046 1047 /* Expose all the ioctl numbers for masochists who like to do this 1048 stuff directly. */ 1049 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_HALT); 1050 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_LOAD); 1051 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_RCODE); 1052 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_RCVMSG); 1053 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_RDATA); 1054 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_RESET); 1055 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_RUN); 1056 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_SENDMSG); 1057 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_WCODE); 1058 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_COPR_WDATA); 1059 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_BIND_CHANNEL 1060 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_BIND_CHANNEL); 1061 #endif 1062 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS); 1063 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE); 1064 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETCAPS); 1065 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_GETCHANNELMASK 1066 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETCHANNELMASK); 1067 #endif 1068 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETFMTS); 1069 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETIPTR); 1070 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETISPACE); 1071 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY 1072 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY); 1073 #endif 1074 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOPTR); 1075 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE); 1076 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_GETSPDIF 1077 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETSPDIF); 1078 #endif 1079 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_GETTRIGGER); 1080 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_MAPINBUF); 1081 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_MAPOUTBUF); 1082 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_NONBLOCK); 1083 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_POST); 1084 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_PROFILE 1085 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_PROFILE); 1086 #endif 1087 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_RESET); 1088 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE); 1089 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX); 1090 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT); 1091 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT); 1092 #ifdef SNDCTL_DSP_SETSPDIF 1093 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETSPDIF); 1094 #endif 1095 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETSYNCRO); 1096 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SETTRIGGER); 1097 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED); 1098 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO); 1099 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SUBDIVIDE); 1100 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC); 1101 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_FM_4OP_ENABLE); 1102 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_FM_LOAD_INSTR); 1103 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_MIDI_INFO); 1104 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUCMD); 1105 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_MIDI_MPUMODE); 1106 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_MIDI_PRETIME); 1107 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_CTRLRATE); 1108 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_GETINCOUNT); 1109 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_GETOUTCOUNT); 1110 #ifdef SNDCTL_SEQ_GETTIME 1111 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_GETTIME); 1112 #endif 1113 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_NRMIDIS); 1114 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_NRSYNTHS); 1115 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_OUTOFBAND); 1116 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_PANIC); 1117 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_PERCMODE); 1118 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_RESET); 1119 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_RESETSAMPLES); 1120 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_SYNC); 1121 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_TESTMIDI); 1122 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SEQ_THRESHOLD); 1123 #ifdef SNDCTL_SYNTH_CONTROL 1124 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SYNTH_CONTROL); 1125 #endif 1126 #ifdef SNDCTL_SYNTH_ID 1127 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SYNTH_ID); 1128 #endif 1129 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SYNTH_INFO); 1130 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SYNTH_MEMAVL); 1131 #ifdef SNDCTL_SYNTH_REMOVESAMPLE 1132 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_SYNTH_REMOVESAMPLE); 1133 #endif 1134 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_CONTINUE); 1135 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_METRONOME); 1136 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_SELECT); 1137 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_SOURCE); 1138 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_START); 1139 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_STOP); 1140 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_TEMPO); 1141 _EXPORT_INT(m, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE); 1142 }