
No issues found

  1 /*****************************************************************
  2   This file should be kept compatible with Python 2.3, see PEP 291.
  3  *****************************************************************/
  5 #include "Python.h"
  6 #include <ffi.h>
  7 #ifdef MS_WIN32
  8 #include <windows.h>
  9 #include <malloc.h>
 10 #endif
 11 #include "ctypes.h"
 13 /******************************************************************/
 14 /*
 15   StdDict - a dictionary subclass, containing additional C accessible fields
 17   XXX blabla more
 18 */
 20 /* Seems we need this, otherwise we get problems when calling
 21  * PyDict_SetItem() (ma_lookup is NULL)
 22  */
 23 static int
 24 PyCStgDict_init(StgDictObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
 25 {
 26     if (PyDict_Type.tp_init((PyObject *)self, args, kwds) < 0)
 27         return -1;
 28     self->format = NULL;
 29     self->ndim = 0;
 30     self->shape = NULL;
 31     return 0;
 32 }
 34 static int
 35 PyCStgDict_clear(StgDictObject *self)
 36 {
 37     Py_CLEAR(self->proto);
 38     Py_CLEAR(self->argtypes);
 39     Py_CLEAR(self->converters);
 40     Py_CLEAR(self->restype);
 41     Py_CLEAR(self->checker);
 42     return 0;
 43 }
 45 static void
 46 PyCStgDict_dealloc(StgDictObject *self)
 47 {
 48     PyCStgDict_clear(self);
 49     PyMem_Free(self->format);
 50     PyMem_Free(self->shape);
 51     PyMem_Free(self->ffi_type_pointer.elements);
 52     PyDict_Type.tp_dealloc((PyObject *)self);
 53 }
 55 int
 56 PyCStgDict_clone(StgDictObject *dst, StgDictObject *src)
 57 {
 58     char *d, *s;
 59     Py_ssize_t size;
 61     PyCStgDict_clear(dst);
 62     PyMem_Free(dst->ffi_type_pointer.elements);
 63     PyMem_Free(dst->format);
 64     dst->format = NULL;
 65     PyMem_Free(dst->shape);
 66     dst->shape = NULL;
 67     dst->ffi_type_pointer.elements = NULL;
 69     d = (char *)dst;
 70     s = (char *)src;
 71     memcpy(d + sizeof(PyDictObject),
 72            s + sizeof(PyDictObject),
 73            sizeof(StgDictObject) - sizeof(PyDictObject));
 75     Py_XINCREF(dst->proto);
 76     Py_XINCREF(dst->argtypes);
 77     Py_XINCREF(dst->converters);
 78     Py_XINCREF(dst->restype);
 79     Py_XINCREF(dst->checker);
 81     if (src->format) {
 82         dst->format = PyMem_Malloc(strlen(src->format) + 1);
 83         if (dst->format == NULL)
 84             return -1;
 85         strcpy(dst->format, src->format);
 86     }
 87     if (src->shape) {
 88         dst->shape = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Py_ssize_t) * src->ndim);
 89         if (dst->shape == NULL)
 90             return -1;
 91         memcpy(dst->shape, src->shape,
 92                sizeof(Py_ssize_t) * src->ndim);
 93     }
 95     if (src->ffi_type_pointer.elements == NULL)
 96         return 0;
 97     size = sizeof(ffi_type *) * (src->length + 1);
 98     dst->ffi_type_pointer.elements = PyMem_Malloc(size);
 99     if (dst->ffi_type_pointer.elements == NULL) {
100         PyErr_NoMemory();
101         return -1;
102     }
103     memcpy(dst->ffi_type_pointer.elements,
104            src->ffi_type_pointer.elements,
105            size);
106     return 0;
107 }
109 PyTypeObject PyCStgDict_Type = {
110     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
111     "StgDict",
112     sizeof(StgDictObject),
113     0,
114     (destructor)PyCStgDict_dealloc,             /* tp_dealloc */
115     0,                                          /* tp_print */
116     0,                                          /* tp_getattr */
117     0,                                          /* tp_setattr */
118     0,                                          /* tp_compare */
119     0,                                          /* tp_repr */
120     0,                                          /* tp_as_number */
121     0,                                          /* tp_as_sequence */
122     0,                                          /* tp_as_mapping */
123     0,                                          /* tp_hash */
124     0,                                          /* tp_call */
125     0,                                          /* tp_str */
126     0,                                          /* tp_getattro */
127     0,                                          /* tp_setattro */
128     0,                                          /* tp_as_buffer */
129     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */
130     0,                                          /* tp_doc */
131     0,                                          /* tp_traverse */
132     0,                                          /* tp_clear */
133     0,                                          /* tp_richcompare */
134     0,                                          /* tp_weaklistoffset */
135     0,                                          /* tp_iter */
136     0,                                          /* tp_iternext */
137     0,                                          /* tp_methods */
138     0,                                          /* tp_members */
139     0,                                          /* tp_getset */
140     0,                                          /* tp_base */
141     0,                                          /* tp_dict */
142     0,                                          /* tp_descr_get */
143     0,                                          /* tp_descr_set */
144     0,                                          /* tp_dictoffset */
145     (initproc)PyCStgDict_init,                          /* tp_init */
146     0,                                          /* tp_alloc */
147     0,                                          /* tp_new */
148     0,                                          /* tp_free */
149 };
151 /* May return NULL, but does not set an exception! */
152 StgDictObject *
153 PyType_stgdict(PyObject *obj)
154 {
155     PyTypeObject *type;
157     if (!PyType_Check(obj))
158         return NULL;
159     type = (PyTypeObject *)obj;
160     if (!PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS))
161         return NULL;
162     if (!type->tp_dict || !PyCStgDict_CheckExact(type->tp_dict))
163         return NULL;
164     return (StgDictObject *)type->tp_dict;
165 }
167 /* May return NULL, but does not set an exception! */
168 /*
169   This function should be as fast as possible, so we don't call PyType_stgdict
170   above but inline the code, and avoid the PyType_Check().
171 */
172 StgDictObject *
173 PyObject_stgdict(PyObject *self)
174 {
175     PyTypeObject *type = self->ob_type;
176     if (!PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS))
177         return NULL;
178     if (!type->tp_dict || !PyCStgDict_CheckExact(type->tp_dict))
179         return NULL;
180     return (StgDictObject *)type->tp_dict;
181 }
183 /* descr is the descriptor for a field marked as anonymous.  Get all the
184  _fields_ descriptors from descr->proto, create new descriptors with offset
185  and index adjusted, and stuff them into type.
186  */
187 static int
188 MakeFields(PyObject *type, CFieldObject *descr,
189            Py_ssize_t index, Py_ssize_t offset)
190 {
191     Py_ssize_t i;
192     PyObject *fields;
193     PyObject *fieldlist;
195     fields = PyObject_GetAttrString(descr->proto, "_fields_");
196     if (fields == NULL)
197         return -1;
198     fieldlist = PySequence_Fast(fields, "_fields_ must be a sequence");
199     Py_DECREF(fields);
200     if (fieldlist == NULL)
201         return -1;
203     for (i = 0; i < PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fieldlist); ++i) {
204         PyObject *pair = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fieldlist, i); /* borrowed */
205         PyObject *fname, *ftype, *bits;
206         CFieldObject *fdescr;
207         CFieldObject *new_descr;
208         /* Convert to PyArg_UnpackTuple... */
209         if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(pair, "OO|O", &fname, &ftype, &bits)) {
210             Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
211             return -1;
212         }
213         fdescr = (CFieldObject *)PyObject_GetAttr(descr->proto, fname);
214         if (fdescr == NULL) {
215             Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
216             return -1;
217         }
218         if (Py_TYPE(fdescr) != &PyCField_Type) {
219             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "unexpected type");
220             Py_DECREF(fdescr);
221             Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
222             return -1;
223         }
224         if (fdescr->anonymous) {
225             int rc = MakeFields(type, fdescr,
226                                 index + fdescr->index,
227                                 offset + fdescr->offset);
228             Py_DECREF(fdescr);
229             if (rc == -1) {
230                 Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
231                 return -1;
232             }
233             continue;
234         }
235         new_descr = (CFieldObject *)PyObject_CallObject((PyObject *)&PyCField_Type, NULL);
236         if (new_descr == NULL) {
237             Py_DECREF(fdescr);
238             Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
239             return -1;
240         }
241         assert(Py_TYPE(new_descr) == &PyCField_Type);
242         new_descr->size = fdescr->size;
243         new_descr->offset = fdescr->offset + offset;
244         new_descr->index = fdescr->index + index;
245         new_descr->proto = fdescr->proto;
246         Py_XINCREF(new_descr->proto);
247         new_descr->getfunc = fdescr->getfunc;
248         new_descr->setfunc = fdescr->setfunc;
250         Py_DECREF(fdescr);
252         if (-1 == PyObject_SetAttr(type, fname, (PyObject *)new_descr)) {
253             Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
254             Py_DECREF(new_descr);
255             return -1;
256         }
257         Py_DECREF(new_descr);
258     }
259     Py_DECREF(fieldlist);
260     return 0;
261 }
263 /* Iterate over the names in the type's _anonymous_ attribute, if present,
264  */
265 static int
266 MakeAnonFields(PyObject *type)
267 {
268     PyObject *anon;
269     PyObject *anon_names;
270     Py_ssize_t i;
272     anon = PyObject_GetAttrString(type, "_anonymous_");
273     if (anon == NULL) {
274         PyErr_Clear();
275         return 0;
276     }
277     anon_names = PySequence_Fast(anon, "_anonymous_ must be a sequence");
278     Py_DECREF(anon);
279     if (anon_names == NULL)
280         return -1;
282     for (i = 0; i < PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(anon_names); ++i) {
283         PyObject *fname = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(anon_names, i); /* borrowed */
284         CFieldObject *descr = (CFieldObject *)PyObject_GetAttr(type, fname);
285         if (descr == NULL) {
286             Py_DECREF(anon_names);
287             return -1;
288         }
289         assert(Py_TYPE(descr) == &PyCField_Type);
290         descr->anonymous = 1;
292         /* descr is in the field descriptor. */
293         if (-1 == MakeFields(type, (CFieldObject *)descr,
294                              ((CFieldObject *)descr)->index,
295                              ((CFieldObject *)descr)->offset)) {
296             Py_DECREF(descr);
297             Py_DECREF(anon_names);
298             return -1;
299         }
300         Py_DECREF(descr);
301     }
303     Py_DECREF(anon_names);
304     return 0;
305 }
307 /*
308   Retrive the (optional) _pack_ attribute from a type, the _fields_ attribute,
309   and create an StgDictObject.  Used for Structure and Union subclasses.
310 */
311 int
312 PyCStructUnionType_update_stgdict(PyObject *type, PyObject *fields, int isStruct)
313 {
314     StgDictObject *stgdict, *basedict;
315     Py_ssize_t len, offset, size, align, i;
316     Py_ssize_t union_size, total_align;
317     Py_ssize_t field_size = 0;
318     int bitofs;
319     PyObject *isPacked;
320     int pack = 0;
321     Py_ssize_t ffi_ofs;
322     int big_endian;
324     /* HACK Alert: I cannot be bothered to fix, so there has to
325        be a way to use the old, broken sematics: _fields_ are not extended
326        but replaced in subclasses.
328        XXX Remove this in ctypes 1.0!
329     */
330     int use_broken_old_ctypes_semantics;
332     if (fields == NULL)
333         return 0;
336     big_endian = PyObject_HasAttrString(type, "_swappedbytes_") ? 0 : 1;
337 #else
338     big_endian = PyObject_HasAttrString(type, "_swappedbytes_") ? 1 : 0;
339 #endif
341     use_broken_old_ctypes_semantics = \
342         PyObject_HasAttrString(type, "_use_broken_old_ctypes_structure_semantics_");
344     isPacked = PyObject_GetAttrString(type, "_pack_");
345     if (isPacked) {
346         pack = PyInt_AsLong(isPacked);
347         if (pack < 0 || PyErr_Occurred()) {
348             Py_XDECREF(isPacked);
349             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
350                             "_pack_ must be a non-negative integer");
351             return -1;
352         }
353         Py_DECREF(isPacked);
354     } else
355         PyErr_Clear();
357     len = PySequence_Length(fields);
358     if (len == -1) {
359         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
360                         "'_fields_' must be a sequence of pairs");
361         return -1;
362     }
364     stgdict = PyType_stgdict(type);
365     if (!stgdict)
366         return -1;
367     /* If this structure/union is already marked final we cannot assign
368        _fields_ anymore. */
370     if (stgdict->flags & DICTFLAG_FINAL) {/* is final ? */
371         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError,
372                         "_fields_ is final");
373         return -1;
374     }
376     if (stgdict->format) {
377         PyMem_Free(stgdict->format);
378         stgdict->format = NULL;
379     }
381     if (stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements)
382         PyMem_Free(stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements);
384     basedict = PyType_stgdict((PyObject *)((PyTypeObject *)type)->tp_base);
385     if (basedict && !use_broken_old_ctypes_semantics) {
386         size = offset = basedict->size;
387         align = basedict->align;
388         union_size = 0;
389         total_align = align ? align : 1;
390         stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT;
391         stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(ffi_type *) * (basedict->length + len + 1));
392         if (stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements == NULL) {
393             PyErr_NoMemory();
394             return -1;
395         }
396         memset(stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements, 0,
397                sizeof(ffi_type *) * (basedict->length + len + 1));
398         memcpy(stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements,
399                basedict->ffi_type_pointer.elements,
400                sizeof(ffi_type *) * (basedict->length));
401         ffi_ofs = basedict->length;
402     } else {
403         offset = 0;
404         size = 0;
405         align = 0;
406         union_size = 0;
407         total_align = 1;
408         stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT;
409         stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(ffi_type *) * (len + 1));
410         if (stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements == NULL) {
411             PyErr_NoMemory();
412             return -1;
413         }
414         memset(stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements, 0,
415                sizeof(ffi_type *) * (len + 1));
416         ffi_ofs = 0;
417     }
419     assert(stgdict->format == NULL);
420     if (isStruct && !isPacked) {
421         stgdict->format = _ctypes_alloc_format_string(NULL, "T{");
422     } else {
423         /* PEP3118 doesn't support union, or packed structures (well,
424            only standard packing, but we dont support the pep for
425            that). Use 'B' for bytes. */
426         stgdict->format = _ctypes_alloc_format_string(NULL, "B");
427     }
429 #define realdict ((PyObject *)&stgdict->dict)
430     for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
431         PyObject *name = NULL, *desc = NULL;
432         PyObject *pair = PySequence_GetItem(fields, i);
433         PyObject *prop;
434         StgDictObject *dict;
435         int bitsize = 0;
437         if (!pair || !PyArg_ParseTuple(pair, "OO|i", &name, &desc, &bitsize)) {
438             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError,
439                             "'_fields_' must be a sequence of pairs");
440             Py_XDECREF(pair);
441             return -1;
442         }
443         dict = PyType_stgdict(desc);
444         if (dict == NULL) {
445             Py_DECREF(pair);
446             PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
447 #if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000)
448                          "second item in _fields_ tuple (index %d) must be a C type",
449 #else
450                          "second item in _fields_ tuple (index %zd) must be a C type",
451 #endif
452                          i);
453             return -1;
454         }
455         stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.elements[ffi_ofs + i] = &dict->ffi_type_pointer;
456         if (dict->flags & (TYPEFLAG_ISPOINTER | TYPEFLAG_HASPOINTER))
457             stgdict->flags |= TYPEFLAG_HASPOINTER;
458         dict->flags |= DICTFLAG_FINAL; /* mark field type final */
459         if (PyTuple_Size(pair) == 3) { /* bits specified */
460             switch(dict->ffi_type_pointer.type) {
461             case FFI_TYPE_UINT8:
462             case FFI_TYPE_UINT16:
463             case FFI_TYPE_UINT32:
464             case FFI_TYPE_SINT64:
465             case FFI_TYPE_UINT64:
466                 break;
468             case FFI_TYPE_SINT8:
469             case FFI_TYPE_SINT16:
470             case FFI_TYPE_SINT32:
471                 if (dict->getfunc != _ctypes_get_fielddesc("c")->getfunc
473                     && dict->getfunc != _ctypes_get_fielddesc("u")->getfunc
474 #endif
475                     )
476                     break;
477                 /* else fall through */
478             default:
479                 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
480                              "bit fields not allowed for type %s",
481                              ((PyTypeObject *)desc)->tp_name);
482                 Py_DECREF(pair);
483                 return -1;
484             }
485             if (bitsize <= 0 || bitsize > dict->size * 8) {
486                 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
487                                 "number of bits invalid for bit field");
488                 Py_DECREF(pair);
489                 return -1;
490             }
491         } else
492             bitsize = 0;
493         if (isStruct && !isPacked) {
494             char *fieldfmt = dict->format ? dict->format : "B";
495             char *fieldname = PyString_AsString(name);
496             char *ptr;
497             Py_ssize_t len; 
498             char *buf;
500             if (fieldname == NULL)
501             {
502                 PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,
503                              "structure field name must be string not %s",
504                              name->ob_type->tp_name);
506                 Py_DECREF(pair);
507                 return -1;
508             }
510             len = strlen(fieldname) + strlen(fieldfmt);
512             buf = PyMem_Malloc(len + 2 + 1);
513             if (buf == NULL) {
514                 Py_DECREF(pair);
515                 PyErr_NoMemory();
516                 return -1;
517             }
518             sprintf(buf, "%s:%s:", fieldfmt, fieldname);
520             ptr = stgdict->format;
521             stgdict->format = _ctypes_alloc_format_string(stgdict->format, buf);
522             PyMem_Free(ptr);
523             PyMem_Free(buf);
525             if (stgdict->format == NULL) {
526                 Py_DECREF(pair);
527                 return -1;
528             }
529         }
530         if (isStruct) {
531             prop = PyCField_FromDesc(desc, i,
532                                    &field_size, bitsize, &bitofs,
533                                    &size, &offset, &align,
534                                    pack, big_endian);
535         } else /* union */ {
536             size = 0;
537             offset = 0;
538             align = 0;
539             prop = PyCField_FromDesc(desc, i,
540                                    &field_size, bitsize, &bitofs,
541                                    &size, &offset, &align,
542                                    pack, big_endian);
543             union_size = max(size, union_size);
544         }
545         total_align = max(align, total_align);
547         if (!prop) {
548             Py_DECREF(pair);
549             return -1;
550         }
551         if (-1 == PyObject_SetAttr(type, name, prop)) {
552             Py_DECREF(prop);
553             Py_DECREF(pair);
554             return -1;
555         }
556         Py_DECREF(pair);
557         Py_DECREF(prop);
558     }
559 #undef realdict
561     if (isStruct && !isPacked) {
562         char *ptr = stgdict->format;
563         stgdict->format = _ctypes_alloc_format_string(stgdict->format, "}");
564         PyMem_Free(ptr);
565         if (stgdict->format == NULL)
566             return -1;
567     }
569     if (!isStruct)
570         size = union_size;
572     /* Adjust the size according to the alignment requirements */
573     size = ((size + total_align - 1) / total_align) * total_align;
575     stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.alignment = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(total_align,
576                                                            Py_ssize_t,
577                                                            unsigned short);
578     stgdict->ffi_type_pointer.size = size;
580     stgdict->size = size;
581     stgdict->align = total_align;
582     stgdict->length = len;      /* ADD ffi_ofs? */
584     /* We did check that this flag was NOT set above, it must not
585        have been set until now. */
586     if (stgdict->flags & DICTFLAG_FINAL) {
587         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError,
588                         "Structure or union cannot contain itself");
589         return -1;
590     }
591     stgdict->flags |= DICTFLAG_FINAL;
593     return MakeAnonFields(type);
594 }