No issues found
1 /*****************************************************************
2 This file should be kept compatible with Python 2.3, see PEP 291.
3 *****************************************************************/
6 #include <Python.h>
8 /*
9 Backwards compatibility:
10 Python2.2 used LONG_LONG instead of PY_LONG_LONG
11 */
12 #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG) && !defined(PY_LONG_LONG)
14 #endif
16 #ifdef MS_WIN32
17 #include <windows.h>
18 #endif
20 #if defined(MS_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
21 #define EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
22 #else
23 #define EXPORT(x) x
24 #endif
26 /* some functions handy for testing */
28 EXPORT(int)
29 _testfunc_cbk_reg_int(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e,
30 int (*func)(int, int, int, int, int))
31 {
32 return func(a*a, b*b, c*c, d*d, e*e);
33 }
35 EXPORT(double)
36 _testfunc_cbk_reg_double(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e,
37 double (*func)(double, double, double, double, double))
38 {
39 return func(a*a, b*b, c*c, d*d, e*e);
40 }
42 EXPORT(void)testfunc_array(int values[4])
43 {
44 printf("testfunc_array %d %d %d %d\n",
45 values[0],
46 values[1],
47 values[2],
48 values[3]);
49 }
51 EXPORT(long double)testfunc_Ddd(double a, double b)
52 {
53 long double result = (long double)(a * b);
54 printf("testfunc_Ddd(%p, %p)\n", &a, &b);
55 printf("testfunc_Ddd(%g, %g)\n", a, b);
56 return result;
57 }
59 EXPORT(long double)testfunc_DDD(long double a, long double b)
60 {
61 long double result = a * b;
62 printf("testfunc_DDD(%p, %p)\n", &a, &b);
63 printf("testfunc_DDD(%Lg, %Lg)\n", a, b);
64 return result;
65 }
67 EXPORT(int)testfunc_iii(int a, int b)
68 {
69 int result = a * b;
70 printf("testfunc_iii(%p, %p)\n", &a, &b);
71 return result;
72 }
74 EXPORT(int)myprintf(char *fmt, ...)
75 {
76 int result;
77 va_list argptr;
78 va_start(argptr, fmt);
79 result = vprintf(fmt, argptr);
80 va_end(argptr);
81 return result;
82 }
84 EXPORT(char *)my_strtok(char *token, const char *delim)
85 {
86 return strtok(token, delim);
87 }
89 EXPORT(char *)my_strchr(const char *s, int c)
90 {
91 return strchr(s, c);
92 }
95 EXPORT(double) my_sqrt(double a)
96 {
97 return sqrt(a);
98 }
100 EXPORT(void) my_qsort(void *base, size_t num, size_t width, int(*compare)(const void*, const void*))
101 {
102 qsort(base, num, width, compare);
103 }
105 EXPORT(int *) _testfunc_ai8(int a[8])
106 {
107 return a;
108 }
110 EXPORT(void) _testfunc_v(int a, int b, int *presult)
111 {
112 *presult = a + b;
113 }
115 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_i_bhilfd(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f, double d)
116 {
117 /* printf("_testfunc_i_bhilfd got %d %d %d %ld %f %f\n",
118 b, h, i, l, f, d);
119 */
120 return (int)(b + h + i + l + f + d);
121 }
123 EXPORT(float) _testfunc_f_bhilfd(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f, double d)
124 {
125 /* printf("_testfunc_f_bhilfd got %d %d %d %ld %f %f\n",
126 b, h, i, l, f, d);
127 */
128 return (float)(b + h + i + l + f + d);
129 }
131 EXPORT(double) _testfunc_d_bhilfd(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f, double d)
132 {
133 /* printf("_testfunc_d_bhilfd got %d %d %d %ld %f %f\n",
134 b, h, i, l, f, d);
135 */
136 return (double)(b + h + i + l + f + d);
137 }
139 EXPORT(long double) _testfunc_D_bhilfD(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f, long double d)
140 {
141 /* printf("_testfunc_d_bhilfd got %d %d %d %ld %f %f\n",
142 b, h, i, l, f, d);
143 */
144 return (long double)(b + h + i + l + f + d);
145 }
147 EXPORT(char *) _testfunc_p_p(void *s)
148 {
149 return (char *)s;
150 }
152 EXPORT(void *) _testfunc_c_p_p(int *argcp, char **argv)
153 {
154 return argv[(*argcp)-1];
155 }
157 EXPORT(void *) get_strchr(void)
158 {
159 return (void *)strchr;
160 }
162 EXPORT(char *) my_strdup(char *src)
163 {
164 char *dst = (char *)malloc(strlen(src)+1);
165 if (!dst)
166 return NULL;
167 strcpy(dst, src);
168 return dst;
169 }
171 EXPORT(void)my_free(void *ptr)
172 {
173 free(ptr);
174 }
176 #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_H
177 EXPORT(wchar_t *) my_wcsdup(wchar_t *src)
178 {
179 size_t len = wcslen(src);
180 wchar_t *ptr = (wchar_t *)malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
181 if (ptr == NULL)
182 return NULL;
183 memcpy(ptr, src, (len+1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
184 return ptr;
185 }
187 EXPORT(size_t) my_wcslen(wchar_t *src)
188 {
189 return wcslen(src);
190 }
191 #endif
193 #ifndef MS_WIN32
194 # ifndef __stdcall
195 # define __stdcall /* */
196 # endif
197 #endif
199 typedef struct {
200 int (*c)(int, int);
201 int (__stdcall *s)(int, int);
202 } FUNCS;
204 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_callfuncp(FUNCS *fp)
205 {
206 fp->c(1, 2);
207 fp->s(3, 4);
208 return 0;
209 }
211 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_deref_pointer(int *pi)
212 {
213 return *pi;
214 }
216 #ifdef MS_WIN32
217 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_piunk(IUnknown FAR *piunk)
218 {
219 piunk->lpVtbl->AddRef(piunk);
220 return piunk->lpVtbl->Release(piunk);
221 }
222 #endif
224 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_callback_with_pointer(int (*func)(int *))
225 {
226 int table[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
228 return (*func)(table);
229 }
231 #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG
232 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) _testfunc_q_bhilfdq(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f,
233 double d, PY_LONG_LONG q)
234 {
235 return (PY_LONG_LONG)(b + h + i + l + f + d + q);
236 }
238 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) _testfunc_q_bhilfd(signed char b, short h, int i, long l, float f, double d)
239 {
240 return (PY_LONG_LONG)(b + h + i + l + f + d);
241 }
243 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_callback_i_if(int value, int (*func)(int))
244 {
245 int sum = 0;
246 while (value != 0) {
247 sum += func(value);
248 value /= 2;
249 }
250 return sum;
251 }
253 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) _testfunc_callback_q_qf(PY_LONG_LONG value,
255 {
256 PY_LONG_LONG sum = 0;
258 while (value != 0) {
259 sum += func(value);
260 value /= 2;
261 }
262 return sum;
263 }
265 #endif
267 typedef struct {
268 char *name;
269 char *value;
270 } SPAM;
272 typedef struct {
273 char *name;
274 int num_spams;
275 SPAM *spams;
276 } EGG;
278 SPAM my_spams[2] = {
279 { "name1", "value1" },
280 { "name2", "value2" },
281 };
283 EGG my_eggs[1] = {
284 { "first egg", 1, my_spams }
285 };
287 EXPORT(int) getSPAMANDEGGS(EGG **eggs)
288 {
289 *eggs = my_eggs;
290 return 1;
291 }
293 typedef struct tagpoint {
294 int x;
295 int y;
296 } point;
298 EXPORT(int) _testfunc_byval(point in, point *pout)
299 {
300 if (pout) {
301 pout->x = in.x;
302 pout->y = in.y;
303 }
304 return in.x + in.y;
305 }
307 EXPORT (int) an_integer = 42;
309 EXPORT(int) get_an_integer(void)
310 {
311 return an_integer;
312 }
314 EXPORT(double)
315 integrate(double a, double b, double (*f)(double), long nstep)
316 {
317 double x, sum=0.0, dx=(b-a)/(double)nstep;
318 for(x=a+0.5*dx; (b-x)*(x-a)>0.0; x+=dx)
319 sum += f(x);
320 return sum/(double)nstep;
321 }
323 typedef struct {
324 void (*initialize)(void *(*)(int), void(*)(void *));
325 } xxx_library;
327 static void _xxx_init(void *(*Xalloc)(int), void (*Xfree)(void *))
328 {
329 void *ptr;
331 printf("_xxx_init got %p %p\n", Xalloc, Xfree);
332 printf("calling\n");
333 ptr = Xalloc(32);
334 Xfree(ptr);
335 printf("calls done, ptr was %p\n", ptr);
336 }
338 xxx_library _xxx_lib = {
339 _xxx_init
340 };
342 EXPORT(xxx_library) *library_get(void)
343 {
344 return &_xxx_lib;
345 }
347 #ifdef MS_WIN32
348 /* See Don Box (german), pp 79ff. */
349 EXPORT(void) GetString(BSTR *pbstr)
350 {
351 *pbstr = SysAllocString(L"Goodbye!");
352 }
353 #endif
355 /*
356 * Some do-nothing functions, for speed tests
357 */
358 PyObject *py_func_si(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
359 {
360 char *name;
361 int i;
362 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &name, &i))
363 return NULL;
364 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
365 return Py_None;
366 }
368 EXPORT(void) _py_func_si(char *s, int i)
369 {
370 }
372 PyObject *py_func(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
373 {
374 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
375 return Py_None;
376 }
378 EXPORT(void) _py_func(void)
379 {
380 }
382 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) last_tf_arg_s;
383 EXPORT(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG) last_tf_arg_u;
385 struct BITS {
386 int A: 1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E: 5, F: 6, G: 7, H: 8, I: 9;
387 short M: 1, N: 2, O: 3, P: 4, Q: 5, R: 6, S: 7;
388 };
390 DL_EXPORT(void) set_bitfields(struct BITS *bits, char name, int value)
391 {
392 switch (name) {
393 case 'A': bits->A = value; break;
394 case 'B': bits->B = value; break;
395 case 'C': bits->C = value; break;
396 case 'D': bits->D = value; break;
397 case 'E': bits->E = value; break;
398 case 'F': bits->F = value; break;
399 case 'G': bits->G = value; break;
400 case 'H': bits->H = value; break;
401 case 'I': bits->I = value; break;
403 case 'M': bits->M = value; break;
404 case 'N': bits->N = value; break;
405 case 'O': bits->O = value; break;
406 case 'P': bits->P = value; break;
407 case 'Q': bits->Q = value; break;
408 case 'R': bits->R = value; break;
409 case 'S': bits->S = value; break;
410 }
411 }
413 DL_EXPORT(int) unpack_bitfields(struct BITS *bits, char name)
414 {
415 switch (name) {
416 case 'A': return bits->A;
417 case 'B': return bits->B;
418 case 'C': return bits->C;
419 case 'D': return bits->D;
420 case 'E': return bits->E;
421 case 'F': return bits->F;
422 case 'G': return bits->G;
423 case 'H': return bits->H;
424 case 'I': return bits->I;
426 case 'M': return bits->M;
427 case 'N': return bits->N;
428 case 'O': return bits->O;
429 case 'P': return bits->P;
430 case 'Q': return bits->Q;
431 case 'R': return bits->R;
432 case 'S': return bits->S;
433 }
434 return 0;
435 }
437 static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
438 /* {"get_last_tf_arg_s", get_last_tf_arg_s, METH_NOARGS},
439 {"get_last_tf_arg_u", get_last_tf_arg_u, METH_NOARGS},
440 */
441 {"func_si", py_func_si, METH_VARARGS},
442 {"func", py_func, METH_NOARGS},
443 { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
444 };
446 #define S last_tf_arg_s = (PY_LONG_LONG)c
447 #define U last_tf_arg_u = (unsigned PY_LONG_LONG)c
449 EXPORT(signed char) tf_b(signed char c) { S; return c/3; }
450 EXPORT(unsigned char) tf_B(unsigned char c) { U; return c/3; }
451 EXPORT(short) tf_h(short c) { S; return c/3; }
452 EXPORT(unsigned short) tf_H(unsigned short c) { U; return c/3; }
453 EXPORT(int) tf_i(int c) { S; return c/3; }
454 EXPORT(unsigned int) tf_I(unsigned int c) { U; return c/3; }
455 EXPORT(long) tf_l(long c) { S; return c/3; }
456 EXPORT(unsigned long) tf_L(unsigned long c) { U; return c/3; }
457 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) tf_q(PY_LONG_LONG c) { S; return c/3; }
458 EXPORT(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG) tf_Q(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG c) { U; return c/3; }
459 EXPORT(float) tf_f(float c) { S; return c/3; }
460 EXPORT(double) tf_d(double c) { S; return c/3; }
461 EXPORT(long double) tf_D(long double c) { S; return c/3; }
463 #ifdef MS_WIN32
464 EXPORT(signed char) __stdcall s_tf_b(signed char c) { S; return c/3; }
465 EXPORT(unsigned char) __stdcall s_tf_B(unsigned char c) { U; return c/3; }
466 EXPORT(short) __stdcall s_tf_h(short c) { S; return c/3; }
467 EXPORT(unsigned short) __stdcall s_tf_H(unsigned short c) { U; return c/3; }
468 EXPORT(int) __stdcall s_tf_i(int c) { S; return c/3; }
469 EXPORT(unsigned int) __stdcall s_tf_I(unsigned int c) { U; return c/3; }
470 EXPORT(long) __stdcall s_tf_l(long c) { S; return c/3; }
471 EXPORT(unsigned long) __stdcall s_tf_L(unsigned long c) { U; return c/3; }
472 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) __stdcall s_tf_q(PY_LONG_LONG c) { S; return c/3; }
473 EXPORT(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG) __stdcall s_tf_Q(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG c) { U; return c/3; }
474 EXPORT(float) __stdcall s_tf_f(float c) { S; return c/3; }
475 EXPORT(double) __stdcall s_tf_d(double c) { S; return c/3; }
476 EXPORT(long double) __stdcall s_tf_D(long double c) { S; return c/3; }
477 #endif
478 /*******/
480 EXPORT(signed char) tf_bb(signed char x, signed char c) { S; return c/3; }
481 EXPORT(unsigned char) tf_bB(signed char x, unsigned char c) { U; return c/3; }
482 EXPORT(short) tf_bh(signed char x, short c) { S; return c/3; }
483 EXPORT(unsigned short) tf_bH(signed char x, unsigned short c) { U; return c/3; }
484 EXPORT(int) tf_bi(signed char x, int c) { S; return c/3; }
485 EXPORT(unsigned int) tf_bI(signed char x, unsigned int c) { U; return c/3; }
486 EXPORT(long) tf_bl(signed char x, long c) { S; return c/3; }
487 EXPORT(unsigned long) tf_bL(signed char x, unsigned long c) { U; return c/3; }
488 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) tf_bq(signed char x, PY_LONG_LONG c) { S; return c/3; }
489 EXPORT(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG) tf_bQ(signed char x, unsigned PY_LONG_LONG c) { U; return c/3; }
490 EXPORT(float) tf_bf(signed char x, float c) { S; return c/3; }
491 EXPORT(double) tf_bd(signed char x, double c) { S; return c/3; }
492 EXPORT(long double) tf_bD(signed char x, long double c) { S; return c/3; }
493 EXPORT(void) tv_i(int c) { S; return; }
495 #ifdef MS_WIN32
496 EXPORT(signed char) __stdcall s_tf_bb(signed char x, signed char c) { S; return c/3; }
497 EXPORT(unsigned char) __stdcall s_tf_bB(signed char x, unsigned char c) { U; return c/3; }
498 EXPORT(short) __stdcall s_tf_bh(signed char x, short c) { S; return c/3; }
499 EXPORT(unsigned short) __stdcall s_tf_bH(signed char x, unsigned short c) { U; return c/3; }
500 EXPORT(int) __stdcall s_tf_bi(signed char x, int c) { S; return c/3; }
501 EXPORT(unsigned int) __stdcall s_tf_bI(signed char x, unsigned int c) { U; return c/3; }
502 EXPORT(long) __stdcall s_tf_bl(signed char x, long c) { S; return c/3; }
503 EXPORT(unsigned long) __stdcall s_tf_bL(signed char x, unsigned long c) { U; return c/3; }
504 EXPORT(PY_LONG_LONG) __stdcall s_tf_bq(signed char x, PY_LONG_LONG c) { S; return c/3; }
505 EXPORT(unsigned PY_LONG_LONG) __stdcall s_tf_bQ(signed char x, unsigned PY_LONG_LONG c) { U; return c/3; }
506 EXPORT(float) __stdcall s_tf_bf(signed char x, float c) { S; return c/3; }
507 EXPORT(double) __stdcall s_tf_bd(signed char x, double c) { S; return c/3; }
508 EXPORT(long double) __stdcall s_tf_bD(signed char x, long double c) { S; return c/3; }
509 EXPORT(void) __stdcall s_tv_i(int c) { S; return; }
510 #endif
512 /********/
514 #ifndef MS_WIN32
516 typedef struct {
517 long x;
518 long y;
519 } POINT;
521 typedef struct {
522 long left;
523 long top;
524 long right;
525 long bottom;
526 } RECT;
528 #endif
530 EXPORT(int) PointInRect(RECT *prc, POINT pt)
531 {
532 if (pt.x < prc->left)
533 return 0;
534 if (pt.x > prc->right)
535 return 0;
536 if (pt.y < prc->top)
537 return 0;
538 if (pt.y > prc->bottom)
539 return 0;
540 return 1;
541 }
543 typedef struct {
544 short x;
545 short y;
546 } S2H;
548 EXPORT(S2H) ret_2h_func(S2H inp)
549 {
550 inp.x *= 2;
551 inp.y *= 3;
552 return inp;
553 }
555 typedef struct {
556 int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
557 } S8I;
559 EXPORT(S8I) ret_8i_func(S8I inp)
560 {
561 inp.a *= 2;
562 inp.b *= 3;
563 inp.c *= 4;
564 inp.d *= 5;
565 inp.e *= 6;
566 inp.f *= 7;
567 inp.g *= 8;
568 inp.h *= 9;
569 return inp;
570 }
572 EXPORT(int) GetRectangle(int flag, RECT *prect)
573 {
574 if (flag == 0)
575 return 0;
576 prect->left = (int)flag;
577 prect->top = (int)flag + 1;
578 prect->right = (int)flag + 2;
579 prect->bottom = (int)flag + 3;
580 return 1;
581 }
583 EXPORT(void) TwoOutArgs(int a, int *pi, int b, int *pj)
584 {
585 *pi += a;
586 *pj += b;
587 }
589 #ifdef MS_WIN32
590 EXPORT(S2H) __stdcall s_ret_2h_func(S2H inp) { return ret_2h_func(inp); }
591 EXPORT(S8I) __stdcall s_ret_8i_func(S8I inp) { return ret_8i_func(inp); }
592 #endif
594 #ifdef MS_WIN32
595 /* Should port this */
596 #include <stdlib.h>
597 #include <search.h>
599 EXPORT (HRESULT) KeepObject(IUnknown *punk)
600 {
601 static IUnknown *pobj;
602 if (punk)
603 punk->lpVtbl->AddRef(punk);
604 if (pobj)
605 pobj->lpVtbl->Release(pobj);
606 pobj = punk;
607 return S_OK;
608 }
610 #endif
612 DL_EXPORT(void)
613 init_ctypes_test(void)
614 {
615 Py_InitModule("_ctypes_test", module_methods);
616 }