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  1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
  2  *
  3  *  Copyright (C) 2008  Jonathan Matthew  <jonathan@d14n.org>
  4  *
  5  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  8  *  (at your option) any later version.
  9  *
 10  *  The Rhythmbox authors hereby grant permission for non-GPL compatible
 11  *  GStreamer plugins to be used and distributed together with GStreamer
 12  *  and Rhythmbox. This permission is above and beyond the permissions granted
 13  *  by the GPL license by which Rhythmbox is covered. If you modify this code
 14  *  you may extend this exception to your version of the code, but you are not
 15  *  obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
 16  *  statement from your version.
 17  *
 18  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 19  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 21  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 22  *
 23  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 24  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 25  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
 26  *
 27  */
 29 /**
 30  * SECTION:rb-source-search
 31  * @short_description: Base class for source search implementations
 32  *
 33  * These translate the text in the search entry box into a
 34  * RhythmDBQuery.  The basic implementation will return
 36  * text.  Simple variants can restrict the search to single
 37  * properties (artist, album, genre).  More complicated searches
 38  * could implement something like the Xesam User Query spec.
 39  *
 40  * The source header finds the search instance to use by looking
 41  * for the 'rb-source-search' data item on the active search
 42  * action.
 43  */
 45 #include "config.h"
 47 #include "rb-source-search.h"
 49 static void	rb_source_search_class_init (RBSourceSearchClass *klass);
 50 static void	rb_source_search_init (RBSourceSearch *search);
 52 G_DEFINE_TYPE (RBSourceSearch, rb_source_search, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
 54 #define RB_SOURCE_SEARCH_DATA_ITEM	"rb-source-search"
 56 static gboolean
 57 default_is_subset (RBSourceSearch *source, const char *current, const char *next)
 58 {
 59 	/* the most common searches will return a strict subset if the
 60 	 * next search is the current search with a suffix.
 61 	 */
 62 	return (current != NULL && g_str_has_prefix (next, current));
 63 }
 65 static void
 66 rb_source_search_class_init (RBSourceSearchClass *klass)
 67 {
 68 	klass->is_subset = default_is_subset;
 69 }
 71 static void
 72 rb_source_search_init (RBSourceSearch *search)
 73 {
 74 	/* nothing */
 75 }
 77 /**
 78  * rb_source_search_is_subset:
 79  * @search: a #RBSourceSearch
 80  * @current: the current search text (or NULL if the current search was done with a different
 81  *    search implementation and so cannot be considered)
 82  * @next: the new search text
 83  *
 84  * Determines whether the new search text will result in a
 85  * subset of entries matched by the previous search.  This is
 86  * used to optimise the search query.
 87  *
 88  * Return value: TRUE iff the new search text will match a subset of those matched by the current search.
 89  */
 90 gboolean
 91 rb_source_search_is_subset (RBSourceSearch *search, const char *current, const char *next)
 92 {
 93 	RBSourceSearchClass *klass = RB_SOURCE_SEARCH_GET_CLASS (search);
 94 	return klass->is_subset (search, current, next);
 95 }
 97 /**
 98  * rb_source_search_create_query:
 99  * @search: a #RBSourceSearch
100  * @db: the #RhythmDB
101  * @search_text: the search text
102  *
103  * Creates a #RhythmDBQuery from the user's search text.
104  *
105  * Return value: (transfer full): #RhythmDBQuery for the source to use
106  */
107 RhythmDBQuery *
108 rb_source_search_create_query (RBSourceSearch *search, RhythmDB *db, const char *search_text)
109 {
110 	RBSourceSearchClass *klass = RB_SOURCE_SEARCH_GET_CLASS (search);
111 	g_assert (klass->create_query);
112 	return klass->create_query (search, db, search_text);
113 }
115 /**
116  * _rb_source_search_create_simple_query:
117  * @search: the #RBSourceSearch
118  * @db: the #RhythmDB
119  * @search_text: the search text such as RHYTHMDB_PROP_SEARCH_MATCH
120  * @search_prop: the search property
121  *
122  * Creates a basic search query.
123  *
124  * Return value: (transfer full): the #RhythmDBQuery for the search text and property, or NULL
125  *   if no search text is specified.
126  */
127 RhythmDBQuery *
128 _rb_source_search_create_simple_query (RBSourceSearch *search, RhythmDB *db, const char *search_text, RhythmDBPropType search_prop)
129 {
130 	if (search_text[0] == '\0')
131 		return NULL;
133 	return rhythmdb_query_parse (db, 
135 				     search_prop,
136 				     search_text,
137 				     RHYTHMDB_QUERY_END);
138 }
140 /**
141  * rb_source_search_action_attach:
142  * @search: #RBSourceSearch to associate with the action
143  * @action: UI action to associate the search with
144  *
145  * Attaches a #RBSourceSearch to a UI action so that
146  * the search implementation will be used when the action is active.
147  */
148 void
149 rb_source_search_action_attach (RBSourceSearch *search, GObject *action)
150 {
151 	g_object_set_data_full (action,
153 				g_object_ref (search),
154 				(GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
155 }
157 /**
158  * rb_source_search_get_from_action:
159  * @action: the action to find the #RBSourceSearch for
160  *
161  * Returns the #RBSourceSearch associated with the
162  * specified UI action.
163  *
164  * Return value: (transfer none): associated #RBSourceSearch
165  */
166 RBSourceSearch *
167 rb_source_search_get_from_action (GObject *action)
168 {
169 	gpointer data;
170 	data = g_object_get_data (action, RB_SOURCE_SEARCH_DATA_ITEM);
171 	return RB_SOURCE_SEARCH (data);
172 }