satyr.Distances - class representing distances between objects
satyr.Distances(m, n) - creates an m-by-n distance matrix
satyr.Distances([threads], m, dist_type=DISTANCE_LEVENSHTEIN) - compares first m threads with others
Usage: distances.dup()
Returns: satyr.Distances - a new clone of the distances
Clones the distances object. All new structures are independent of the original object.
Usage: distances.get_distance(i, j)
Returns: positive float - distance between objects i and j
Usage: distances.get_size()
Returns: (m, n) - size of the distance matrix
Usage: distances.set_distance(i, j, d)
Sets distance between objects i and j to d
satyr.Dendrogram - a dendrogram created by clustering algorithm
Usage: satyr.Dendrogram(distances) - creates new dendrogram from a distance matrix
Usage: dendrogram.cut(level, min_size)
Returns: list of clusters (lists of objects) which have at least min_size objects and which were merged at most at the specified distance
Usage: dendrogram.get_merge_level(i)
Returns: float - merge level between clusters at positions i and i + 1
Usage: dendrogram.get_object(i)
Returns: integer - index of the object at position i
Usage: dendrogram.get_size()
Returns: integer - number of objects in the dendrogram